"I am not aware of a single credible survey or study that supports that statement" (that America's healthcare was the best in the world)
It sure as hell is the best in the world!!! What planet did you just fall from??? Why do you think thousands of wealthy foreigners come to the USA every year to get specialized care? Because it is the best dumbnuts!!!! The catch is, is that it is very, very expensive.
Everyone knows that if not the best, it certainly could be argued to be near the very top of the list.
The only hitch, was that it was not good for the ones who had no coverage!!!!!! So I get it, the ones who had no coverage were simply not satisfied until they got something, and the president gave it to them. The question is, was it fair to include the millions of uninsured and uninsurable, at the expense of all the others paying or working for their coverage currently? And do not believe for a millisecond that if you had insurance, that under the ACA, you will be getting the same quality of care. That is just simply mathematically impossible. We will, under the full implementation of the ACA, absorb millions upon millions that were uninsured and are going to get coverage for a few bucks a month or even at no cost. Throw in all the millions more unable to get insurance previously for pre-existing conditions, and you have a gigantic sinkhole for costly care, that gets "paid for" by pennies on the dollar (for tiny amounts of premiums paid) for the cost of their care, that was not their before the ACA takes effect.
So just where do you think that money will come from? Yes, some tax increases, new taxes, young peoples premiums and levies on drug/diagnostics firms, etc., but if you think that will be enough to cover the enormous new encumbrances, then you need to take some math/economics classes. The only ones getting huge benefits from the ACA are these two groups who did not or could not get coverage before the ACA, because now they will be at least getting some kind of healthcare coverage. Already polls are showing that young people are signing up at far, far less percentages than they had factored in, dropping a huge amount of premium dollars expected to have "floated" the costs of the ACA. We are in trouble.
The truth is that everyone else that is not a part of these groups will suffer with less care/ less costly (but less effective) treatment, because that is the only way things will get even close to be self funding for the long term. Every credible analysis that does not assume best case scenarios, comes up with huge deficits.
$100,000-300,000 a year cancer therapies will be very difficult to secure especially if you are 60+ years of age. The doctors will be forced to make "prudent" treatments for those terminally ill.
Oh how pissed off people will be when they need expensive, specialized care and their prognosis is not the best. I don't care what they are telling you, it HAS TO GO THIS WAY because the numbers do not allow for the kind of expensive individual treatments currently allowed even if the patients prognosis is poor, and it's damn the torpedoes, we doctors will do everything possible to save your life.
Stay healthy my friends, that is the best advice anyone can give you once the ACA is fully implemented.