Nice try to re-write history. After one of the most disputed elections in American history (2000) did the Democrats decide to obstruct and make Bush a failure? NO !! They recognized that they had lost an election and cooperated with Bush and his fellow Republicans on: two tax cuts, Medicare Part D (even though it was never funded by the borrow-and-spend Republicans), no child left behind, and a blank check to conduct foreign and military policy. Unlike Obama, the abuse that W got was earned and didn't really start until Americans realized they had been lied to about Iraq. The above are facts, not speculation.
Compare this to how the Republicans dealt with a Democratic victory in 2008. Mitch McConnell said that job number one for him and his fellow Republican Senators was to make Obama a one term President. No talk of working together; no talk of compromise. On day 2, they challenged Obama's legitimacy because Chief Justice Roberts messed up the oath of office. Then they said that the 're-take' was invalid because it was done in private at the White House. Add in all of the birther-he's a Muslim nonsense to further discredit a sitting American President. Add in that Republicans now claim that 60 out of 100 votes is a required majority on all major legislation. Republicans have done everything they could to obstruct and block and prevent a sitting President from even forming a government by slow-walking or outright blocking an unheard of number of appointments to cabinet, sub-cabinet and judicial appointments. Just look at the number of filibusters prior to and after 2009. Facts speak for themselves.
The more one looks and listens, the more it becomes obvious that much of the hatred of President Obama is racial. Many on the right still deny it, but the more they get probed, the more the real or latent racism emerges. And in the past 5 years, the Republican Party (now known as the Tea And Republican Party, or TARP for short) have evolved from being a conservative, right of center party, to a party of the extreme right that is primarily old, primarily white, and primarily male. They have alienated blacks, Hispanics and even most women by their right wing agenda. They espouse the idea of a nation based on their interpretation of Christianity and, for the life of me, I can't figure out how the religious-based country they wish to create is conceptually different than the extreme Islamists in Afghanistan or Iran. It's just a different religion, but the common thread is a desire for a theocracy.
Having trouble dealing with all of the above? Then just take a simple test: Check up on how your investment portfolio (or the stock market if you are not invested) did from 2001-2009 and how it has done since then. My portfolio was up just a little bit during the Bush administration, and has more than doubled since Obama took office. It's kind of hard to make a case that America has prospered more under Bush than under Obama. Hot to worry, though. I know you will never allow facts to get in the way of you purely emotional (maybe even racist) interpretation of history.